Anchored on a well-structured Driver Profile Matrix, our Drivers are unique because;
They are medically fit, regularly checked at the hospitals given a fair health management support solution that we have provided
Each driver go through aptitude tests and the use of technology solutions. Further to this are tests on knowledge of traffic laws, traffic signs and highways codes etc.
Performance Re-evaluation is done every “End of the Year” with the following objectives
Evaluating Security Awareness Knowledge
Evaluating Journey Management Experience
Evaluating Communication Skills
Except otherwise agreed with clients, it is our standard for all Drivers to have their behavioral patterns monitored using Technology. Also, all Executive Drivers are assigned a GPS Tracker/Android Phone for route mapping and as a communication gadget
All other attitudes expected of each Driver are as stated in our Drivers’ Profile Matrix and their Pocket Guide
Beyond Performance Evaluation, we help our Drivers grow in Career and Education. So, our Drivers enjoy access to initiatives that facilitate this. This enhances their motivation and has been our best performance incentive program.